How to Build a Custom Mechanical Keyboard from Scratch?

Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of custom mechanical keyboards? Building your own keyboard from scratch can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to tailor every aspect to your preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious beginner, this guide will walk you through the process step by step. Let’s get started!

1. Choose the Size of Keyboard

Choosing the size of your keyboard is the first and perhaps one of the most crucial steps in the customization process. You have several options to consider, each catering to different preferences and use cases:

  • Full-size Keyboard: This traditional layout includes all the keys, including a numeric keypad on the right side. It’s great for users who frequently input numbers or need dedicated navigation keys.
  • Tenkeyless (TKL) Keyboard: This layout removes the numeric keypad, resulting in a more compact and streamlined design. It’s popular among gamers and users who value desk space.
  • Compact Keyboards (60%, 65%, 75%, etc.): These smaller layouts further reduce the size of the keyboard by eliminating additional keys and functions. They’re ideal for users prioritizing portability and minimalist aesthetics.

Consider your typing habits, workspace constraints, and aesthetic preferences when choosing the size of your keyboard.


2. Gather Materials

Now that you’ve decided on the size, it’s time to gather all the materials you’ll need to bring your custom keyboard to life. Here’s a comprehensive list of essential components:

  • Key Switches: These are the mechanical switches responsible for registering key presses. Choose from a variety of switches with different actuation forces, tactile feedback, and clickiness to suit your typing style.
  • Keycaps: These are the covers that fit over the key switches, providing the surface for your fingers to press. Keycaps come in various materials, profiles, and designs, allowing for customization and personalization.
  • Keyboard Plate: The plate acts as the backbone of your keyboard, providing stability and support for the switches. It also determines the layout and spacing of the keys.
  • Case: The case encloses all the internal components of the keyboard, providing protection and structural integrity. Cases come in different materials like plastic, aluminum, or wood, each offering unique aesthetics and durability.
  • Microcontroller: This is the brain of your keyboard, responsible for interpreting key presses and sending signals to your computer. Popular microcontrollers include Arduino and Teensy, offering flexibility and programmability.
  • USB Cable: You’ll need a USB cable to connect your custom keyboard to your computer. Opt for a high-quality cable for reliable data transfer and durability.
  • Additional Components: Depending on your design preferences, you may also need LED lighting for backlighting effects, stabilizers to enhance key stability, and other accessories to customize your keyboard further.

Ensure that you source high-quality components from reputable vendors to ensure the longevity and performance of your custom keyboard.

3. Design the Layout

With all the materials in hand, it’s time to design the layout of your custom keyboard. This step allows you to tailor the keyboard to your specific needs and preferences. Here’s how to approach the layout design process:

  • Choose a Keyboard Layout Editor: Utilize online tools like QMK Configurator or Keyboard Layout Editor to visualize and customize your keyboard layout.
  • Select Key Positions: Determine the placement of keys, including alphanumeric keys, modifiers, function keys, and any additional controls or macros you require.
  • Consider Ergonomics: Pay attention to ergonomic principles when designing your layout to minimize strain and discomfort during extended typing sessions.
  • Experiment and Iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different layouts and configurations until you find the perfect one for your needs.

Take your time with this step, as the layout will dictate the overall usability and comfort of your custom keyboard.

4. Wire the Keyboard

Now comes the technical aspect of wiring your custom keyboard. This step involves connecting the key switches to the keyboard plate and the plate to the microcontroller. Here’s a general overview of the wiring process:

  • Prepare the Keyboard Plate: Place the key switches into the designated slots on the keyboard plate, ensuring they’re properly aligned and seated.
  • Connect the Switches: Use jumper wires or a soldering iron to connect each key switch to the corresponding pins on the microcontroller. Pay attention to the wiring diagram provided by the keyboard layout editor.
  • Test Continuity: Use a multimeter to test the continuity of each connection to ensure there are no short circuits or faulty connections.
  • Secure the Connections: Once you’ve verified the connections, secure them in place using hot glue or heat-shrink tubing to prevent them from coming loose.

Take your time with this step to ensure accurate wiring and proper connectivity, as any errors could affect the functionality of your custom keyboard.

5. Program the Microcontroller

With the wiring complete, it’s time to program the microcontroller to interpret key presses and communicate with your computer. Follow these steps to program your custom keyboard:

  • Install Development Environment: Download and install the necessary development environment for your chosen microcontroller, such as the Arduino IDE for Arduino boards or Teensy Loader for Teensy boards.
  • Write Firmware: Use a programming language like C or C++ to write firmware that defines the keyboard layout and functionality. You can find example firmware and tutorials online to help guide you through the process.
  • Define Key Mappings: Specify the key mappings for each physical key on your keyboard, including alphanumeric keys, modifiers, and special functions or macros.
  • Compile and Upload: Compile the firmware code and upload it to the microcontroller using the development environment. Test the keyboard to ensure it behaves as expected.

Programming the microcontroller allows you to customize your keyboard’s behavior and functionality to suit your specific needs and preferences.

6. Assemble the Keyboard

With the programming done, it’s time to assemble your custom keyboard and bring all the components together. Follow these steps to assemble your keyboard:

  • Mount the Components: Place the keyboard plate with the key switches into the case, ensuring a snug fit. Secure the plate and microcontroller in place using screws or standoffs.
  • Install Stabilizers: If your keyboard uses stabilizers for larger keys like the spacebar, install them according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure smooth and stable keypresses.
  • Add LED Lighting (Optional): If desired, install LED lighting components to add backlighting effects to your keyboard. Connect the LEDs to the microcontroller and program them to your preferred colors and patterns.
  • Test Functionality: Before closing up the case, connect your keyboard to your computer and test that all keys register correctly. Ensure that the firmware behaves as expected and make any necessary adjustments.

Take your time with the assembly process to ensure everything fits together neatly and functions properly. Once assembled, your custom mechanical keyboard is ready for use!

7. Test the Keyboard

Before declaring your custom keyboard complete, it’s essential to test it thoroughly. Connect the keyboard to your computer and test each key to ensure it registers correctly. Make any necessary adjustments to the firmware or wiring if you encounter any issues.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully built your own custom mechanical keyboard from scratch. Enjoy the satisfaction of typing on a keyboard that you designed and assembled yourself.

For a more detailed guide, you can refer to the search results, which provide step-by-step instructions and tutorials on building custom mechanical keyboards.


How long does it take to build a custom mechanical keyboard?

Building a custom mechanical keyboard can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on your experience level and the complexity of your design.

Do I need any special tools to build a custom mechanical keyboard?

While basic tools like a soldering iron and screwdriver are essential, many components are designed for easy assembly without specialized equipment.

Can I customize the appearance of my custom mechanical keyboard?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of your keyboard by choosing different keycaps, case designs, and LED lighting options.

Is it difficult to program the microcontroller for a custom mechanical keyboard?

Programming the microcontroller may seem daunting at first, but there are plenty of resources and tutorials available to guide you through the process.

What are the benefits of building a custom mechanical keyboard?

Building a custom mechanical keyboard allows you to create a keyboard that perfectly suits your typing style, preferences, and aesthetic tastes.

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Shreyansh Patni
Shreyansh Patni
Articles: 128


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