OpenAI’s New Embedding Models, GPT-4 Turbo, and API Innovations

OpenAI’s New Embedding Models

In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, OpenAI continues to lead the way with groundbreaking advancements. The latest announcement brings a new generation of embedding models, the introduction of GPT-4 Turbo, enhancements to GPT-3.5 Turbo, and innovative API management tools. This article delves into the details, exploring the features, improvements, and the impact these changes will have on developers and applications.

New Embedding Models Overview

Artificial intelligence relies heavily on embeddings, which are numerical representations of concepts within content, such as natural language or code. The new models introduced by OpenAI aim to enhance performance, reduce costs, and offer more flexibility to developers.

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Introducing text-embedding-3-small

In this section, we explore the features and advantages of the highly efficient text-embedding-3-small model. From performance improvements to a significant price reduction, developers have a compelling reason to transition from the previous text-embedding-ada-002 model.

Upgrading from text-embedding-ada-002

The text-embedding-3-small model represents a considerable upgrade over its predecessor, with stronger performance across multiple benchmarks. The average scores on multi-language retrieval (MIRACL) and English tasks (MTEB) demonstrate the model’s efficiency.

Performance Boost and Benchmark Comparisons

Comparing text-embedding-ada-002 to text-embedding-3-small, the average score on MIRACL has increased from 31.4% to 44.0%, and on MTEB, it has improved from 61.0% to 62.3%. These enhancements showcase the model’s capabilities in understanding and retrieving information across different languages.

Substantial Price Reduction

text-embedding-3-small not only outperforms its predecessor but also comes with a notable price reduction. Priced at $0.00002 per 1k tokens, it is 5X more cost-effective than text-embedding-ada-002. OpenAI ensures backward compatibility, allowing users to continue using the previous generation model if preferred.

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Unveiling text-embedding-3-large

Moving to a larger scale, text-embedding-3-large introduces a new era in embedding models, offering dimensions up to 3072. This section explores the capabilities of this next-gen model and its impact on performance.

Next-Gen Large Embedding Model

text-embedding-3-large is designed to create embeddings with up to 3072 dimensions, setting a new standard for large-scale representations. The model’s increased performance is evident in benchmark comparisons, demonstrating its superiority over the previous text-embedding-ada-002 model.

Performance Metrics and Benchmark Comparisons

Comparing the average scores on MIRACL and MTEB, text-embedding-3-large surpasses text-embedding-ada-002 with scores of 54.9% and 64.6%, respectively. These improvements highlight the model’s effectiveness in capturing intricate relationships within content.

Pricing Details

To access the enhanced capabilities of text-embedding-3-large, users can do so at a price of $0.00013 per 1k tokens. OpenAI provides detailed information on using these new embedding models in their Embeddings guide.

Native Support for Shortening Embeddings

Understanding the trade-offs between performance and cost, OpenAI introduces a technique known as Matryoshka Representation Learning. This section explores the concept of shortening embeddings without compromising their conceptual integrity.

Cost and Resource Implications of Embedding Size

Larger embeddings generally incur higher costs in terms of computing, memory, and storage. OpenAI addresses this by enabling developers to shorten embeddings based on their specific needs, providing a flexible approach to managing resources.

Matryoshka Representation Learning Technique

The technique allows developers to adjust the length of embeddings by using the dimensions API parameter. For instance, a text-embedding-3-large embedding can be shortened to a size of 256 while maintaining superior performance compared to the unshortened text-embedding-ada-002 model.

Embedding Size Flexibility with Dimensions API

Developers can now tailor embeddings to their requirements, making it feasible to use advanced models like text-embedding-3-large even in scenarios with limitations on embedding size. This flexibility ensures optimal performance while accommodating specific constraints.

Other Model Updates and Lower Pricing

OpenAI continues to enhance existing models, with a focus on GPT-3.5 Turbo. This section provides insights into the updated model, lower pricing, and improvements that aim to meet the evolving needs of developers.

GPT-3.5 Turbo Model Refresh

Announcing the introduction of gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, OpenAI showcases its commitment to providing high-quality models. The pricing for this model reflects a 50% reduction in input prices and a 25% reduction in output prices, making it more accessible to developers.

Price Reductions and Enhanced Features

Lower pricing on GPT-3.5 Turbo is complemented by various improvements, including higher accuracy in responding to requested formats. Additionally, a bug affecting non-English language function calls has been addressed, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Transitioning to gpt-3.5-turbo-0125

Users of the unpinned gpt-3.5-turbo model alias will be automatically upgraded to gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 two weeks after its launch. This seamless transition ensures that developers can benefit from the latest advancements without additional effort.

GPT-4 Turbo Preview: Features and Improvements

With over 70% of requests transitioning to GPT-4 Turbo, OpenAI introduces an updated preview model, gpt-4-0125-preview. This model addresses issues related to task completion and includes fixes for non-English UTF-8 generations. The introduction of a new gpt-4-turbo-preview model name alias ensures developers always have access to the latest GPT-4 Turbo preview version.

Enhanced Moderation Model

Ensuring the safety of AI applications is a top priority for OpenAI. This section delves into the text-moderation-007 model, designed to identify potentially harmful text and contribute to building safer AI systems.

Introduction to Moderation API

The free Moderation API allows developers to detect and mitigate potentially harmful text, contributing to a safer online environment.

Release of text-moderation-007

OpenAI introduces text-moderation-007, the latest and most robust moderation model to date. This model provides enhanced capabilities in identifying and handling harmful content, aligning with OpenAI’s commitment to safety.

Ensuring Safety with Robust Moderation

Developers can rely on text-moderation-007 to bolster their content moderation efforts. OpenAI emphasizes the importance of implementing safety best practices, and developers can refer to OpenAI’s safety guide for comprehensive insights.

API Key Management and Usage Insights

In an effort to provide developers with more control and visibility, OpenAI introduces platform improvements related to API key management and usage tracking. This section explores the new features that empower developers to manage their API keys effectively.

Assigning Permissions to API Keys

Developers can now assign specific permissions to API keys directly from the API keys page. This feature enables a more granular approach, allowing keys to have read-only access for internal tracking dashboards or restrictions to specific endpoints.

Enhanced Visibility through Usage Dashboard

OpenAI introduces a usage dashboard and usage export function that expose metrics on an API key level. With tracking enabled, developers can easily view usage data on a per-feature, team, product, or project level by using separate API keys for each purpose.

Future Improvements in API Usage Management

OpenAI is committed to further improving the ability for developers to view their API usage and manage API keys, particularly in larger organizations. Stay tuned for updates as OpenAI continues to enhance the developer experience.


The advancements introduced by OpenAI in new embedding models, GPT-4 Turbo, and API management tools mark a significant stride forward in the field of artificial intelligence. Developers now have access to more efficient and cost-effective embedding models, enhanced GPT-3.5 Turbo capabilities, and improved moderation tools. The future promises even more features and improvements, making OpenAI’s platforms indispensable for AI development.


How do the new embedding models impact existing applications?

The new embedding models offer improved performance and cost efficiency, benefiting applications relying on natural language understanding and code interpretation.

What are the key features of text-embedding-3-large?

text-embedding-3-large introduces a larger embedding model with up to 3072 dimensions, providing enhanced performance in capturing intricate relationships within content.

How can developers ensure the safety of their applications using text-moderation-007?

text-moderation-007, OpenAI’s latest moderation model, offers robust capabilities in identifying harmful text, contributing to building safer AI systems. Developers can refer to OpenAI’s safety best practices guide for comprehensive insights.

What improvements can developers expect in GPT-3.5 Turbo with the introduction of gpt-3.5-turbo-0125?

gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 comes with a 50% reduction in input prices, a 25% reduction in output prices, higher accuracy in responding to requested formats, and a fix for a bug affecting non-English language function calls.

How do the API key management improvements benefit developers?

Developers now have more control over API keys, with the ability to assign specific permissions and gain visibility into usage metrics on a per-key level. These enhancements contribute to more effective API usage management.

Bhumit Mistry
Bhumit Mistry

Bhumit Mistry is a seasoned professional in the field of technology journalism, currently serving as the Senior Writer at "The Tech StudioX." With a passion for exploring the latest innovations and trends in the tech world, he a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team.

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