Ivan Crewkov: Pioneering AI in Education with Buddy AI – Interview Series

Pioneering AI in Education with Buddy AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of education technology, Ivan Crewkov stands out as a trailblazer. As the CEO & Co-Founder of Buddy AI, he is on a mission to revolutionize English tutoring for children worldwide. This article delves into Ivan’s journey, from the genesis of Buddy to its impactful role in shaping the future of education.

Early Ventures: Lessons from Cubic.ai

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Hardware Realities

Venturing into the tech realm with Cubic.ai, Ivan discovered that hardware startups face unique challenges. The difficulty of securing venture funding and the mitigating factor of crowdfunding shed light on the intricate nature of the hardware industry.

Diversity in Voice-First Products

Cubic.ai’s foray into smart speakers unveiled the vast and diverse world of voice-first products. Ivan emphasizes the distinct needs of smart homes versus early learning, emphasizing the crucial role of tailored technologies and user experience design.

The Birth of Buddy: A Personal Journey

Language Learning Challenges

Ivan’s inspiration for Buddy sprang from a personal struggle. Moving to the U.S. from Siberia, his daughter’s difficulty in learning English prompted a quest for effective solutions.

Drawbacks of Existing Platforms

Exploring existing solutions, Ivan identified the shortcomings of online tutoring platforms. While beneficial, these platforms often fall short due to scripted curriculum, non-pedagogical tutors, and high costs.

The Multimodal AI Tutoring Approach

Motivated by research on virtual humans in education, Ivan envisioned Buddy as a multimodal AI tutor. Integrating automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, and an animated virtual character, Buddy emerged as a groundbreaking solution.

Buddy in Action: Transforming Learning

Addressing Speech Education Challenges

Buddy’s primary focus lies in solving speech-related education problems. Traditional tools often neglect speaking skills, and existing language apps for children lack effective speaking practice.

Buddy’s Superiority

Endorsed by Dr. Alex Desatnik, Buddy’s voice-based virtual tutor creates epistemic trust, fostering motivation and engagement. The non-judgmental nature of Buddy serves as an advantage, acting as an effective icebreaker for children overcoming language barriers.

Collaborative Teaching with AI

Contrary to replacing teachers, Buddy empowers them. Acting as a team of tutors and teacher assistants, Buddy aids in automating routine tasks, providing individualized attention to every student.

Gamification: Making Learning Fun

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Buddy’s Gaming Appeal

Buddy’s mobile app, downloaded 22 million times in 2023, boasts a 70% child user base. Designed as a game with a captivating story and universe, Buddy collaborates with Hollywood experts to make learning an exciting journey for children.

Under the Hood: Core Functionalities

Key Features

Buddy’s core functionalities, including speech recognition, conversational AI, and avatar visual behavior, contribute to its success as a multimodal AI tutor.

Machine Learning at Work

Buddy employs proprietary technologies like BSR (Buddy’s Speech Recognition) and BLM (Buddy’s Language Model). These technologies cater specifically to accented children’s speech, ensuring accurate recognition while complying with regulations.

Overcoming Challenges: Accent Recognition

BSR: A Unique Solution

BSR addresses the challenge of recognizing accented children’s speech. Developed in response to the unique needs of Buddy’s audience, it outperforms commercial solutions and complies with privacy regulations.

Connecting with Parents: The Next Frontier

Beyond Early Adopters

Despite success, Buddy faces the challenge of making parents take learning with Buddy as seriously as with live tutors. The ongoing AI revolution, however, is contributing to a shift in perception.

Partnerships with Schools

Looking ahead, Buddy aims to collaborate more closely with teachers and schools. Piloting partnerships and discussions with educational institutions worldwide signal a strategic move towards broader market penetration.

The Future of AI Tutors and Education

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Addressing Global Educational Challenges

Ivan sees AI tutors as the scalable solution to the global teacher shortage, emphasizing the need for 1:1 tutoring, especially in language learning. While AI tutoring for adults has seen growth, Buddy pioneers AI tutoring for young children, bridging a critical gap.

Expanding Subject Diversity

Buddy’s vision extends beyond language learning. Already rolling out non-language courses, the platform aspires to be a comprehensive AI tutoring platform, accompanying children from early years through various subjects.


In the realm of educational technology, Ivan Crewkov’s Buddy AI stands as a beacon of innovation. By addressing the challenges of language learning and leveraging AI, Buddy not only transforms education but also paves the way for a future where every child can access personalized, effective tutoring.


How effective is Buddy in addressing speech-related challenges in children?

Buddy has proven highly effective in enhancing children’s speech skills through its multimodal AI tutoring approach. The personalized attention and non-judgmental nature of Buddy contribute to improved learning outcomes.

What sets Buddy apart from traditional learning apps for kids?

Unlike traditional apps that focus on reading or writing, Buddy emphasizes speaking skills. Its gamified approach, designed with a captivating story and universe, makes learning engaging and effective.

How does Buddy ensure the privacy of children using the platform?

Buddy employs proprietary technologies like BSR (Buddy’s Speech Recognition) and adheres to regulations like COPPA, ensuring the privacy and safety of children using the platform.

Can Buddy be used as a supplement to traditional teaching methods in schools?

Absolutely. Buddy is designed to collaborate with teachers, automating routine tasks and providing individualized attention. It acts as a supportive tool for teachers rather than replacing them.

What is the future roadmap for Buddy AI?

Buddy envisions expanding beyond language learning, offering a diverse range of courses. The platform aims to be a lifelong learning companion for children, evolving with them from early years through various subjects.

Bhumit Mistry
Bhumit Mistry

Bhumit Mistry is a seasoned professional in the field of technology journalism, currently serving as the Senior Writer at "The Tech StudioX." With a passion for exploring the latest innovations and trends in the tech world, he a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team.

Articles: 49

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