SmartThings Maps Show “AI Characters”: Samsung’s Home Visualization

Samsung’s Home Visualization

SmartThings, the leading smart home automation platform, has recently introduced an innovative feature called Map View. With this groundbreaking addition, SmartThings revolutionizes home visualization by integrating actual floor plans into its interface. This new feature allows users to create a virtual floor plan of their home, visualizing the locations of their smart devices in an intuitive and user-friendly way. Moreover, SmartThings Maps also introduces “AI characters” that mimic family members and pets, adding a delightful touch to smart home management.

Simplifying Home Management

As the number of connected devices in our homes continues to increase, managing them efficiently becomes a challenge. SmartThings addresses this issue by introducing Map View, which simplifies device management across the smart home. With Map View, users can see their entire home at a glance, along with all the devices in it, reflecting their real positions within the home. This allows for easy device monitoring and control directly from the map interface, eliminating the need for navigating and scrolling to find individual devices.

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Creating a 3D Layout of Your Home

Creating a 3D layout of your home in SmartThings Map View is a seamless process. Users have multiple options to generate their home layout, depending on the availability of floor plans or the use of Samsung’s LiDAR-enabled devices. For homes with internet-available floor plans, users can simply input their address to create their layout automatically. If they only have a physical copy or image of a floor plan, they can easily take a photo of it and SmartThings will convert it to a 3D layout. Additionally, Samsung’s LiDAR-enabled devices, such as the Jet Bot vacuum or the Ballie AI robot, can be used to scan the home, generating a floor plan automatically.

Real-Time Monitoring and Control

SmartThings Maps is a smart home technology that offers real-time monitoring and control of devices. With its map interface, users can easily access important information about the status of their home, such as live camera feed, temperature, and remaining laundry time, among other essential data. Moreover, users can customize their map by adding furniture, which enhances the overall visualization and simplifies managing their smart home. SmartThings Maps is a powerful tool for anyone looking to have complete control over their home automation system.

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Introducing AI Characters

SmartThings Maps is a cutting-edge home visualization tool that leverages the power of AI to introduce an exciting new feature called “AI characters”. These virtual avatars are designed to resemble family members and pets that live in your home, and they provide a fun and intuitive way to monitor your smart living experience.

With AI characters, you can enjoy a personalized and whimsical experience while managing your smart home. For instance, if the temperature in your home becomes too warm, your AI characters will appear to be sweating, creating an interactive and engaging experience.

This new feature not only enhances the management of your smart home but also adds an element of delight and personalization. It allows you to keep track of your home’s status in a fun and creative way, making it easier and more enjoyable to manage your smart devices. Whether you’re monitoring your home security, adjusting the temperature, or managing your entertainment system, SmartThings Maps with AI characters make it all a lot more fun and engaging.

Seamless Integration with SmartThings Hub

SmartThings Maps is a feature that is designed to help users start and manage their smart home journey with ease. This feature is seamlessly integrated with the SmartThings Hub, which enables users to control and monitor their smart home devices and appliances from a single platform.

With the SmartThings Hub integrated into Samsung TVs and soundbars, users can access the Map View feature on their TVs, which displays a visual representation of their home and all the connected devices. This feature provides users with immediate access to important home status information, such as the temperature, humidity, and energy usage of each device.

By eliminating the need for a separate smart home hub, this integration streamlines the user experience and makes smart home management more convenient. Users can now control and monitor their smart home devices from the comfort of their couch, without having to switch between different apps or devices. This integration ensures that users can easily manage their smart home devices, save energy, and enjoy a more comfortable and connected home.

Extended Compatibility and Accessibility

SmartThings Maps is a powerful tool that offers a seamless and intuitive user experience across multiple devices. With the Map View feature enabled, users can easily access important information about their home status from any device, whether a TV, mobile phone, tablet, or even a refrigerator. This synchronized experience ensures that users are always connected and informed, no matter where they are in their space.

SmartThings Maps is specifically designed to be compatible with a wide range of devices, making it easy for users to choose the platform that best suits their needs. Whether you prefer to view your home status information on a large-screen TV or a small mobile phone, SmartThings Maps offers a consistent and convenient experience for all users.

The Map View feature itself is highly customizable, allowing users to view a range of information about their home status, including temperature, humidity, air quality, and more. With SmartThings Maps, users can easily monitor and control their home environment, ensuring that it’s always comfortable and safe. Overall, SmartThings Maps is a potent and versatile tool that offers users unparalleled convenience and control over their home environment. Whether you’re at home or on the go, SmartThings Maps ensures that you’re always connected and informed about what’s happening in your space.

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Benefits of SmartThings Maps

The introduction of SmartThings Maps brings numerous benefits to smart homeowners. The key advantages of this innovative feature include:

  1. Enhanced home control and management: With the visual representation of devices within the layout of the home, managing and controlling smart devices becomes more intuitive and user-friendly.
  2. Improved situational awareness: SmartThings Maps allows users to have a comprehensive view of their entire home and easily monitor the status and activity of each device, providing a heightened sense of situational awareness.
  3. Delightful and personalized experience: The addition of AI characters adds an element of delight and personalization to the smart home management experience, making it more engaging and enjoyable.


SmartThings Maps, with its revolutionary Map View feature and AI characters, has transformed the way we visualize and manage our smart homes. This innovative addition simplifies device management, enhances home control, and provides a delightful and personalized user experience. With SmartThings leading the way in home automation, the future of connected living looks more intuitive, convenient, and enjoyable.

Learn more about SmartThings Maps and its features at

Shreyansh Patni
Shreyansh Patni
Articles: 128

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